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Sunday, December 20, 2009

Movie Review: Avatar in 3D

Avatar the Director James Cameron was a spectacular movie, I would definitely consider going again. The detail of this movie was very noticeable, from the CGI to the plant life you can see James Cameron worked very hard on this movie. Now the difference seeing it in IMAX 3D or digital is a very big difference. With IMAX, you have a way bigger screen and better sound quality and with digital it's just a generic viewing experience. The story line to James Cameron's Avatar was very good, it was about a paraplegic his conscience enters another creature they call avatars to find out more information about another species on a planet called Pandora. The system for 3D that they used was an entirely new one made by Cameron and partners and had help with special effects done by the New Zealand Company WETA. Overall the running time of this movie with his overall 2:30 was well worth it as it plays at and wonderful story line. The great part about this movie was that the 3D wasn't in your face about it like other movies we've seen. Overall after maybe 30 minutes into the movie you forget your even wearing those glasses. The great part is that there's already news of a sequel. James Cameron's Avatar is now in theaters and also in IMAX 3D. It's definitely and go out and see… twice.

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